Stimulates, revitalizes and regenerates facial skin with precision
When the skin on your face begins to show signs of fatigue, it means that it is not in perfect shape and that it needs some energy; to prevent and improve wrinkles and expression lines on the face, it is necessary to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
FACIAL PULSONIC is the new advanced aesthetic treatment, exclusive to the Unico Centers, for the care of your face. It will allow you to regenerate the appearance of your skin. It is a practically painless and non-invasive treatment that uses the latest technology to revitalize the skin, obtain more effective results and enhance or complement the effect of other facial treatments (such as virtual mesotherapy). By means of radiofrequency micro-pulses (application of heat), it stimulates and regenerates the skin in depth. It also allows you to act with extreme precision on the lines of each wrinkle, to reduce it, significantly improving the lines of expression.
It is the most innovative facial treatment in aesthetics to keep your skin young and hydrated.
The results are visible from the first session.

Pre-treatment FAQ
Facial Pulsonic is a totally new facial treatment, exclusive to Rejuva Skin Clinic Bradford, to combat deep wrinkles and expression in a more specific and controlled way, thus achieving better results where other treatments and methods do not reach. Thanks to the new “pencil” -shaped handle, each wrinkle is easily and accurately accessed to precisely apply the treatment. By means of radio frequency pulsed at high temperatures applied only on the lines of each wrinkle, a deep regeneration of the dermis is produced and the result is enhanced.
Initial phase: the temperature of the face is raised to 38º-40º to stimulate blood circulation and the formation of collagen. Second phase: it will act directly on the wrinkle to be treated, creating a high concentration of heat inside the groove and producing a small “filling” effect that will subsequently cause skin regeneration and decrease the depth of the wrinkle.
Between 6 and 8 sessions are recommended, it depends on each person and the state of the area to be treated.
The skin feels smoother and more hydrated from the first session, however, the results are intensified with a continuous treatment of several sessions.
Pregnancy and lactation, autoimmune diseases in acute flare period, severe coagulation disorders, patients taking Sintrom® and are uncontrolled, patients who have an INR lower than 2 (high risk of thrombosis) or higher than 4 (high risk of hemorrhage); patients affected by cancer, who have not been discharged by their oncologist or who still have positive tumor markers; carriers of metal prostheses in the area of action, (dental implants, the session cannot be carried out in the area where they are located, if the patient has a hip prosthesis, we will not be able to do the session in an area close to it, if it is a question of doing facial radiofrequency, there will not be the slightest problem); carriers of implants
Remarkable reduction of eye wrinkles and rictus. Improvement of expression lines. Reaffirmation of the facial oval. More luminosity of the skin.