Bradford UK Laser Hair Removal We are the north's premier hair removal specialists
Over 80% reduction with as little as 6 sessions!

About Laser Hair Removal

Start your laser hair removal journey today...

We offer a free consultation, where we can provide all the necessary information for you to understand how laser works and what it actually does. Here, you will be able to ask all the questions you have, without feeling embarrassed and will leave feeling reassured. Our staff are expertly trained to understand exactly how to get you the results!

Most Powerful Laser in Bradford

Book in your Primelase today...

The Primelase is a medical-grade diode laser offering power of 4800w and is the latest generation now adding a deeper wavelength to its platform. The excellence of the Primelase allows better delivery of energy to the root of the hair weakening the follicle, so it slows the regeneration of potential new hair formation before terminating it completely. 

Diode is a direct wavelength of 810nm (nanometers). Here at REJUVASKIN, we now have a secondary instalment of technology combining three wavelengths within one excelling hand piece, known as ‘the combined.’

Benefits of Prime Laser Hair Removal

Pre-treatment FAQ

Enquire now for your complimentary consultation and patch test

Alternatively please call us on 01274 800811

Clinic hours are between 9am and 7pm Monday – Saturday 11am to 5pm Sunday