Back Massage We are the north's premier aesthetics specialists

Is back pain a constant problem in your everyday life? According to research, getting a regular back massage is very useful for relieving pain, experiencing less anxiety and depression.

We have a range of back massage methods that will suit your needs just fine. Our experts are well versed in providing amazingly relaxing back massages. They will talk you through the procedure before getting down to the nitty gritty

The Benefits

A back massage can provide many benefits including increased flexibility, enhanced immunity, and the alleviation of muscle spasms, which in turn helps the joints to function better.

It also helps to enhance the effects of other therapeutic or medical treatments. Our back massage is excellent for reducing chronic pain, whether such pain is caused by limited mobility of the vertebral, pelvic and rib joints, or compression of nerves through muscle spasms, disease or a dysfunctional body structure.


Back massage lasts typically for about 30 minutes but can vary depending on the type of therapy.

Book yourself in for a Rejuvaskin back massage today!

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